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running one-offs in nestjs

Running one offs in NestJS

Sometimes in business we have the need to run specific operations in our backends or databases, once.

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apples shortcuts and no to social media

Apple's Shortcuts And No To Social Media

This week a friend of mine with whom I have a WhatsApp group, proposed the group to install the app Be Real so that we could share moments of our day instead of just chatting on WhatsApp.

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callbacks in react

Callbacks In React

Passing functions as props is an amazing pattern that I really like! It gives me a sense of control over my components and turns them way more reusable.

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datetime local e2e

Datetime Local E2E

Some time ago I started a pet project to improve my JavaScript in the backend (or node.js to be more precise). In this project I wanted users to input a date and a time to create a schedule.

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null vs undefined

Null Vs Undefined

I've been coding mainly JavaScript for almost 12 months, and last year some colleague of mine asked “should I use null or undefined?”, when some other pointed something like “you can use both, it doesn't matter”. Since that day I wanted to write this post, because… well… it matters! YES!, null and undefined are not the same in JavaScript!

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