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running one-offs in nestjs 11 Aug 2023 Programming JavaScript

Running one offs in NestJS

Sometimes in business we have the need to run specific operations in our backends or databases, once.

apples shortcuts and no to social media
1 Nov 2022 Social DIY

Apple's Shortcuts And No To Social Media

This week a friend of mine with whom I have a WhatsApp group, proposed the group to install the app Be Real so that we could share moments of our day instead of just chatting on WhatsApp.

callbacks in react
1 May 2019 Programming React

Callbacks In React

Passing functions as props is an amazing pattern that I really like! It gives me a sense of control over my components and turns them way more reusable.

datetime local e2e
2019 Programming Testing

Datetime Local E2E

Some time ago I started a pet project to improve my JavaScript in the backend (or node.js to be more precise). In this project I wanted users to input a date and a time to create a schedule.